Monday, June 2, 2014


Monday, March 3, 2014

Quick Write

I have been -1 or colder in north texas. I hate it.. But, I play soccer so that life.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quick Write.

I really don't really like animals.. so. i don't know what I would do.I probably would save the turtles.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Quick Write.

In 5 years i plan on being in college and getting my life started. In ten years I plan on having a family and having a great career.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Quick Write.

I think Valentines Day is awkward. Even when I have had a Valentine, its weird. Maybe because I am weird about giving gifts. But, its a nice day if you are married or have been dating for awhile. It definitely sucks if you are single though.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Magazine Cover Preview

1. Masthead, Dateline, Main image, Model credit, Cover line, Main cover line, Left third, Bar code, Cover lines, Selling line.

2. Masthead: The visual branding of the title and is often done in a specially designed typeface to be easily recognized and unique.
Dateline: Month and year of publication with the price.
Main image: The single image of the model.
Model credit: Credit to the model and photographer.
Cover line: Surrounds the main image without detracting from it too much.
Main cover line: Takes up almost a quarter of the magazine cover, helps promotes the issue.
Left third: Vital for sales in shops where the magazine is not shown full frontage.
Bar code: Standard bar code used by retailers, displayed on the front of the magazine.
Selling line: Short sharp description of the main title/story.

Favorite Cover

Most covers are really normal. This goes against most peoples ideal cover.

Best Magazine Covers

The magazine cover of the September 14, 2001, special edition of TIME features a photograph of the two airplanes crashing through the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, taken by photographer Lyle Owerkoof. The issue told stories from survivors, more photographs of the Twin Towers after the bombings.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


this is my favorite. 
This cover of TIME magazine is entitled, "Yep, I'm Gay," with a photograph of Ellen DeGeneres by celebrity photographer Firooz Zahedi. In the April 14, 1997 issue of TIME magazine, DeGeneres spoke to writer Bruce Handy and admitted to him that she was gay and this made her televisions first openly-gay star. The television character played by DeGeneres on the sitcom Ellen also came out later that month and this was one of the most watched episodes of the series.

I love this cover because who doesn't love Ellen? This is when she came out publicly.
The only weird thing is how tan she looks. Ellen is super pale and light skinned.

Magazine Cover Parts.

Masthead: Name of magazine.

Dateline: Date of the publication.

Main Image: Main photo of cover.

Model Credit: Name of person in photo.

Coverlines: What will be in the magazine.

Main Cover Line: Big bold words about an article.

Left Third: Empty space.

Bar Code: What the store scans.

Selling Line: Short sweet motto.